Economia baiduB (2)

Pubblicatio il 5 novembre 2013 | di bitquotidiano


La moneta elettronica in Cina

Ora Bitcoin è primo negli exchange cinesi, e viene accettato in pagamento sul principale motore di ricerca

Il principale motore di ricerca cinese, Baidu, ha inizato a metà ottobre ad accettare Bitcoin in pagamento per alcuni dei suoi servizi. Baidu è il è quinto sito più visitato nel mondo: solo al 130esimo posto negli Stati Uniti, ma primo in un paese con 1,3 miliardi di abitanti.

Viene comunemente definito il Google cinese, perchè come Google offre un motore di ricerca e numerosi servizi sia gratuiti che a pagamento. Baidu è quotata negli Stati Uniti, al Nasdaq, e il suo valore è raddoppiato nell’ultimo paio di mesi.
Con l’apertura “La Bitcoin Mania colpisce la Cina” Bloomberg Businessesweek già a settembre riportava che gli investimenti in exchange di Bitcoin con sede in Cina e i computer dedicati per l’estrazione della moneta erano rapida in crescita.

“In Cina sia il mercato delle azioni che quello dei bond non vanno molto bene, così le persone sono molto attente quando sentono di una nuova forma di investimento che genera alti guadagni” dice Peter Pak, responsabile trading della BOCI Securities di Hong Kong,

Nell’articolo viene riportato come, relativamente parlando, il numero di utenti cinesi di Bitcoin sia ancora troppo piccolo per attirare l’attenzione del Partito sul questa moneta, ma viene anche fatto notare che quel che è “piccolo” in Cina può essere grande per il resto del mondo. Una piccola percentuale di popolazione che inizia a usare Bitcoin può realmente aumentarne la popolarità.

La diffusione di exchange cinesi, con volumi sempre più alti, ha dato slancio alla nuova salita di Bitcoin. Le soglie psicologiche hanno iniziato a essere espresse in yuan e non in dollari: superati i 1000 yuan c’è stato un ulteriore incremento massimo del 30 per cento.

Il 20 ottobre su Bitcoin Magazine Vitalik Buterin scrive che gli exchange cinesi di Bitcoin hanno superato di molto il volume di quelli in Europa e Stati Uniti.
BtcChina, il principale exchange di Bitcoin cinese, ha superato per volume MtGox e Bitstamp nel computo dell’ultima settimana; e una serie di altri exchange, che non hanno ricevuto attenzione fuori dalla Cina, iniziano a mostrare volumi paragonabili a quelli di BtcChina.

Finora le autorità finanziarie cinesi hanno ignorato il mercato Bitcoin. Ma anche se lo notassero possono lasciarlo continuare in gran parte senza restrizioni.
“Sembra che il governo cinese in realtà sia convinto che il governo federale degli Stati Uniti sia preoccupato per Bitcoin, per questo non sono molto rigidi per quanto riguarda i requisiti normativi. Le autorità cinesi in passato hanno chiuso una serie di monete digitali, connesse a premi di lotterie e giochi d’azzardo – dice il San Francisco Chronicle – e sarebbe difficile da credere che Baidu non abbia chiarito qualcosa con le autorità cinesi prima di accettare Bitcoin”.


San Francisco Chronicle su Baidu che accetta Bitcoin:

Business Insider su Cina e Bitcoin:

Bitcoin Magazine sull’ascesa di Bitcoin negli exchange cinesi:

Exchange Bitcoin – Volume:

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6 Responses to La moneta elettronica in Cina

  1. Pingback: La moneta elettronica in Cina - Bitcoin Quotidi...

  2. Massimo says:

    che bizzarro! Non si sa più cosa inventarsi.

  3. Giovanna says:

    Mi piace come scrivi, tornerò qui a leggere ancora nuovi

  4. Anouchat says:

    This post is interesting, but aoynne has considered that any exchange in whatever currency you are considering does exactly the same? And furthermore even official exchange rates given by central banks are not achieved anywhere, so if central bank gives a prize for a currency, in every exchange office they give you a slightly different prize. So if you have dollars you can sell them at whatever prize you want, ie many big companies or big currency holders do this, and there is no law or regulation against. So wich is the issue here? The fact is that today there is no currency backed by any physical item (ie gold, silver, etc), so the value is just an agreement between the players in the game (all of us) and subject to the main market law: demand and offer. So if what that guy does seems unfair, you should consider unfair many other things, wich are of course legal, for example you can sell or buy $ at twice its official prize as long as you find buyers or sellers, and economic history is full of cases like these. And in any case bitcoin is a currency where all transactions are public, not like legal currency. When I say at all I mean at all. First I recommend you to read a book about mathematical foundations of economy (there are many, but usually difficult to understand unless you know anything about serious maths, presumably you don’t, at all) and the first thing you should understand is random variable (although stochastic is a better adjective for it than random) and wich are the factors wich decide the prize or value of it considering it is in the background of a market (wich is anything else than a set of random variables subject mainly to the offer/demand law) and then you will understand that bitcoin is a scam as any other currency is. Another point would be if it is legal, it is not of course, it is not legal nor ilegal because there is no central bank wich can do tricks to artificially change it’s value on behalf of the interest of politicians, companies or banks (unfortunately this is the main reason for making something legal or ilegal in too many cases, ie cannabis is ilegal and whisky not? Strange at least). In this sense bitcoin is more fair than other currencies.So if in the end what makes people happy is to belive that money is something else than an agreement between all the players, because a central bank regulates it (so the bank tricks the other players and pisses over the idea of free market) ok, but it is not true, just read something about economy (so read on maths) and you will see. The fact is that around begining of 20 century gold (wich in any case had been as useless as notes or coins for centuries except for a few industrial aplications recently discovered, but anyway a piece of bread is much more useful as you can eat it) was no more the value behind money, so all money is nothing more than useless paper or digitally stored information, and of course there is a clear and obvious reason for it if you know something about economy. In fact bitcoin is the first serious attempt towards a real free market economy (of course you should have some knowledge on economy to know what is a market and a very special kind of market called free market and you don’t have obviously). So what this guy is doing with his exchange is fair? Maybe not, but he is free to do so, and his customers should be more aware that there are far better exchanges and they are free to use them. Of course what he is doing, if done by many people can have catastrophic consequences in the future, as is stated in any economy book (please read one, if you can, if you cannot, first read something about probability and then about statistics and then you will understand). But this is a situation very similar to what will happen with $ if China decides to sell the huge amounts of dollars they have tomorrow say for example to buy € or swiss marks, the dollar value will fall to the ground in a matter of days because the offer will be huge, so sellers will be forced to lower the prize more and more to make their offer desirable for a buyer; a chain reaction is called this(nor China nor USA are interested in this scenario right now, but let’s see in the future).So if bitcoin is a scam, is not for the reasons on this article, unless all currencies are considered a scam by the same reasons (in fact they are considering that money, even gold, are useless as food). Before talking or posting an opinion be sure to know that what you say is true, and as anybody can verify by just using logic, some maths and some economic theory (maths again) the value of a currency like $ is not controlled or centralized by FED or a central bank or whatever, it’s just barely regulated (doing tricks you cannot do, because if it fully regulated or controlled there will be no economical crisis anywhere, wich goverment would allow it?) and the main force behind prize fluctuation is offer/demand law, exactly as with bitcoin. So please before talking, think, and think that thinking is difficult, so read those who are more clever or wise than you before (yeah I know maths and logic are hard and most brains soft) and you will see that you are wrong, just a person missleaded by fear, lazzyness (maths are hard and you probably won’t read anything about because it requires logical mind you probably don’t have, because your article is ilogical) and prejudice.

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts and I am waiting for
    your further post thank you once again.

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